Clinical Pilates


Based on the original form of Pilates, clinical Pilates is a therapeutic form of physical exercise that focuses on one’s posture, core stability, balance, control, strength, flexibility, and breathing. It targets improving muscle control rather than strength, with exercises that work muscle groups in functional patterns.

Clinical Pilates is different from a generic Pilates class in that it is customised towards a person’s needs and their injury or issue. Your therapist will design a clinical Pilates exercise program around your specific areas of concern and injury. This ensures optimal gains for your body whilst minimising the likelihood of injury aggravation or your personal discomfort.

What can you expect?

Our physiotherapists understand that everyone’s injuries, restrictions and bodies are different.

Our clinical Pilates classes are individually customised through a full musculoskeletal assessment in order to strengthen your body’s area of weakness and rehabilitate injuries.

Before each session of clinical Pilates, our therapist will assess you and tailor the program to suit your needs and to account for flare-ups or changes in your injury. At the end of your clinical Pilates session, you may be given exercises that you can do at home.

Depending on your injury and fitness level, your therapist may use the following equipment in your clinical Pilates program.

● The clinical reformer

● The full trapeze table

How can it help?

Clinical Pilates is a targeted, goal-driven, customised and supervised class aimed at rehabilitating and strengthening your area of injury and weakness. It is especially effective at doing this without added strain on one’s joints, making it suitable for persons of all ages and fitness levels. The following details how clinical Pilates can help you.

● Strengthen, rehabilitate and rebalance your body after injury

● Injury prevention

● Strengthen pelvic floor (before and after pregnancy)

● Relieve chronic pain, especially in the lower back

● Enhance performance

● Prevent sports injuries

● Aid with posture correction

Can this be claimed on my insurance?

As of April 2019, private health insurers no longer cover a range of natural therapies (excluding physiotherapy).